Alfan Jauhari Profile Picture

Alfan Jauhari



Hello my name is Alfan Jauhari, you can call me Alfan. Currently, I am a Product Engineer at Zero One Group.

I am happy to learn about the Web Frontend and any programming topic, especially Javascript, which has become my main language for building or creating an application, whether web or android.

In the midst of my busy life, I sometimes take the time to write an article or note on my blog whether it’s about programming, technology or other random things.

Tech Stack


  • Javascript inc. ES2015+
  • TypeScript

Frontend Dev

  • React JS
  • Next JS
  • TailwindCSS
  • Styled Components
  • Webpack
  • CSS

Backend Dev

  • Express JS
  • Nest JS
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Android Development

  • React Native
  • Expo React Native

Design Tools

  • Figma


  • React Query
  • React Table
  • React Beautiful DnD